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  • Writer's picturefortress admin

Is the internet good or bad for kids?

The answer is neither. It’s like asking if the ocean is good or bad for us. The ocean is a foundation of the earth’s ecosystem. It is both the most majestic place to be or the most dangerous place on earth – especially for those not well trained to be in it. It humbles even the most experienced sailor and largest ship.

Like the ocean, the internet is neither good nor bad. It’s an integral part of our lives today. It is both a venue of wonderful knowledge, entertainment and social connections and a venue for crime, abuse, and fraud. Even adults need to be trained to take the proper caution and use tools to protect against malware, virus, and other digital threats. How much more do kids need the training on how to be safe online?

Just like you wouldn’t let your child enter the ocean without training or supervision, you shouldn’t let your child be online without training or supervision.

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