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Screen Time Recommendations by Age

Updated: Jul 8, 2021

One of the biggest struggles with parenting in the digital world is screen time. Yes, this issue has been around since the television became prolific. The major difference today is that there are a lot more of everything! More screens, more shows, more on-demand options. There is no need to wait for next week’s episode. You can binge watch anytime.

The American Academy of Pediatrics’ Recommendations on Screen Time.

  • Younger than 18 months: other than video chats, discourage all screen media

  • 18 to 24 months: Choose high quality programs and watch with them, do not leave them alone with the media

  • 2-5 years old: Limit to 1 hour a day of high quality programs, view with your children to talk about the programs with them

  • 6 years old and older: Outline rules on time limits, what types of media are allowed, and the need for sleep and physical activities and other essential developmental activities

Beyond screen time, the AAP also recommended setting rules on media-free zones and good online citizenships:

  • Set media-free boundaries like no one can use their devices at dinner time, driving time, and bedrooms

  • Outline what good online citizenship and safety look like. For instance, treat others with respect whether you are in front of that person or behind a screen. The golden rule applies online and offline.

Post these rules somewhere in a common area where the kids can see and refer back to. The key is to stick to these limits and rules. I’ve seen how consistency can change an unruly foster child into a happily content child. And when you need to make exceptions to the rules, explain to the child why those are exceptions, e.g. sick days or vacation. It requires that parents be disciplined. But this is truly the key to changing and molding your child’s online behavior.

Lastly, the AAP also has an online tool to create a family media plan for parents to customize their children’s media usage.

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